Sunday, May 23, 2010

Heaven at Home by Ginger Plowman

This is a delightful read just in time for the summer by the same author of ‘Don’t Make Me Count to Three.  Ginger Plowman outlines practical ways moms can help effectively create a peaceful haven at home.  As Jesus promised to go and prepare a place for us in heaven, Ginger encourages moms that we can catch a glimpse of that right here in our homes.   Ginger speaks with godly insight and biblical wisdom underscoring the truth that a peaceful home is measured by the extent to which Christ reigns.
Plowman emphasizes how we glorify Christ through our role as a wife, mom, and keeper of the home.  You see it is mom that sets the ambiance of the establish her domain as peaceful and one that radiates Christ and reflects heaven.
The first truth Ginger shares is how we, as moms, relate to our Heavenly Father because that is where it should start in our home.  She suggests the following ways to draw from the Lord throughout our day:
  • Begin with small goals with little devotionals or quick Bible studies
  • Have devotion time when you will not be interrupted.  Jesus gave us an example of choosing a good time from his own life when He woke up very early in the morning, while it was still dark.  (Mark 1:35)  Incidentally, the wife in Proverbs 31 also woke up early ‘while it was still dark”.  I wonder if she was having her quiet “devotional” time. 
  • Be flexible if you have a baby.  You can place all the Bibles you own in different rooms of the house, and have them opened up so that you can snack on God’s Word throughout the day as you move from room to room.  A little snacking can prevent starvation as you wait for opportunities to feast. 
  • Be in constant fellowship with God.  As it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “pray continually” throughout your day.  You don’t have to close your eyes.
Ginger also suggests noble ideas for serving in your role as a wife.
·      Be a good steward in the financial affairs of your home
·      Prepare for your husbands arrival.  Nothing builds security in the heart of a child more than the assurance that Mom and Dad love each other.
·      Give your husband time to unwind after he gets home.
·      Remember to encourage your husband.  When Ginger surveyed 100 husbands, she discovered that 72% said that words of encouragement and appreciation and encouraging notes make them feel loved.  30% of the husbands said that they like to see their wives’ smile.  You see a peaceful home is a place not void of conflict but where conflict is resolved calmly with an unselfish consideration for the other person.
Ginger describes the peaceful home as being one where unity prevails…in your marriage as you allow your husband to lead, amongst your children, with your in-laws, and with your friends.   She offers wonderful ideas in cultivating unity amongst siblings.  As moms, we need to understand that God gave our children “best friends” right in our own families.
You will also find some easy home ideas to help structure your day in attempts to keep order in your home.  Please understand that some of these ideas are not Biblical mandates but just helpful suggestions from one mom to another.  She outlines separate ideas for infants, toddlers, and preschool aged children.  Ginger even discusses the importance of hospitality, opening your home to others that God might be glorified.  There is a big difference between entertaining and hospitality.  We ought to “practice hospitality” (Romans 12:13) as the early Church demonstrated.  Entertaining focuses on things (condition of house, food, convenience).  Hospitality focuses on people and ministering to one another.  Creating a peaceful home helps us to practice hospitality.   Remember it is Christ who is the Giver of Peace and the Prince of Peace.  He establishes your home peaceful.
Heaven at Home: Establishing and Enjoying a Peaceful Home

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