Friday, November 26, 2010


Well, I almost did, but I didn't, but I threatened to...

Ok, I threatened to run away tonight.  Yes, run away.  No, I'm not a feisty, rebellious teen bucking rules, order, and everything "parent".  I'm a 41 year old  SAHM.(Stay at home mommy)  No, I'm not hormonal, at least not right now.  And, no, I'm not in any danger, threat, or duress.  I've just had it to here. (pointing my arms above my head)...

Ok, I realize my threat was idle, but it was there.  I just needed a break...and a girl needs a little appreciation.

See, I can talk about it right now because my wise and peace-making husband can diffuse any of my myriad of emotions.

So, here's what happened...

I've got it all planned out.  By the way, I'm a planner, an organizer, and my pantries and linen closet are the organization gestapo.   That gives you a flavor of the OCD tendencies I've prayed, agonized, and wrestled with.  And, now I've actually come to terms with this shortcoming and have embraced it with zeal...

So, in character, I've decided to plan Advent events for the family for the next month.  The first one began today.  With tradition, we loaded the Suburban (that doesn't seem big enough for my brood of boys) with matching button down shirts, cameras (three of them), tripods, snacks, books, balls, and boys.  Off to the Pittock Mansion for our annual Christmas picture session in picturesque Pittock nestled in the Northwest valley with the winding Willamette below.   Ahh, doesn't that sound so Norman Rockwell?

Little did I know...with all that we brought, we also tucked in some grumble, complaint, and nag.

"Mommy, are we done yet?"

"How long will this take?"

"I don't look good in this shirt!"  "I'm hungry!!"(By the way, they're always hungry; they're boys.)

"My feet hurt!"  "My nose itches."  "But we just took 30 pictures."  "Do I have to?"

So, here we are taking happy? get the picture.  If you have a household of children, you've probably experienced a scene like ours.  If not, tell me how you do it:)

So, at the end of our jaunt, I calmly and stoically announced to my dear, sympathetic husband that I was running away.

"Running away?" he asked.  "From what?"

"Oh, my love, I think you know."

We bantered back and forth about the pros and cons of me running away.  He finally convinced me that I could, if I wanted to...

...and so I did.  I ran away for the night...into the other room, my office.

I had a lovely evening.   And reflected on the sweet moments we had at Pittock tonight.

I love my boys, my husband...and wouldn't dream of being anywhere else right now but home.

No other place, but home

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