Sunday, October 31, 2010

For faith in football...

Thanksgiving #15

                This last Saturday we attended Samuel's last football game of the season.  This was his first year and I feared his last.  Ok, part of me would have sighed with relief had it been his last.  At least then I wouldn't have feared injury.  But more than physical wounds, I feared emotional or even spiritual injury.  I wondered how the smallest and most softly spoken kid on the field would fare with over a couple other dozen helmet and padded clad rambunctious boys(because boys are, they just are) pummeling him over and over.  Sometimes I wondered if they could even see him, let alone hear him.  But this last game drew a deep sense of pride from me as I heard other parents, his coaches, and even his teammates speak about Samuel or as they call him, Sammy.  Some even referred to him as Samson...the strongest man in the Bible.  They remarked about how fearless and fast he was.  They spoke of his demeanor and dedication.  What he lacked in size and stature, he more than made up in spirit and speed.  Samuel learned more than football this season.  He learned faith in team and force in spirit.  Grateful for the opportunities of growth I wouldn't have picked for myself...Thank you Jesus for your protection over Samuel.

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