The movement of HIS spirit across mine has been radical these last few days as I have viewed Radical Gospel and mulled and meditated on these truths. I have asked God to show me ways that these truths become “Rhema”, living water, in my it becomes lived out. So nice to discuss and fantasize what I could or should do and debate it till I no longer remember what I was led to do in the first place and move on...most likely in the direction I paved out for myself. But God, you have illuminated these great truths for me in such a way that I’ve never seen before. Why and How?
You’ve called me to be mom, wife, friend, sister, neighbor and equipped me with that what I’ve needed to nurture these relationships. Was it by chance? You’ve given me a station in life that not only has brought me great blessing but has, I hope and believe, blessed others but most importantly, glorified you. This is my portion and for it, I am grateful.
Why did I acquiesce such noble a station as wife and mom. We each have a “calling” and pursue it but sometimes our “calling” pursues us. Such was the case with me...never dreamt of having children that would outnumber parents let alone four boys. But slowly and gently, he stirred my heart and spirit to give me HIS desires and they became the desires of my heart. For what?
Typically, the last thing a person remembers what someone said was the last thing they said. And, Jesus said, “Therefore go and make the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Mathew 28:19 So it is... that I must make disciples out of them (my flock and those around) and teach them to obey everything HE has commanded me. I have not been called to leave that which He has blessed me with... for did He not say “that not one of them should perish” (2 Peter 3:9) and was He was determined that He would not lose one of those that were given to Him. (John 18:9) I will teach them to obey Him...this is my calling and this is my mission.
To jeopardize my children’s well being, the very “mercies” HE ordained for me, seems to violate the example HE gave us when He said “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.” Mathew 25:40 They, my children for a short time, are the “least of these.” For as long as they cannot find food without me or secure shelter or procure clothing, they are the “least of these.” Did Jesus not have compassion over family when He said to His mother, ‘Dear woman, here is your son‘ (speaking of John, the beloved disciple)? John 19:26 It appears that one of the last order of business before He died was to secure provision for His family both companionship and physical provision.
My calling right now I believe is one of the most holy and honorable titles I will ever hold, that of wife and mother. Nothing in Truth and Word diminishes that and I will serve Him during the coarse of my vocation as mother and wife to Him be the glory.
Check out Radical Gospel by David Platt to inspire and invigorate you into a deeper intimacy with the Divine...
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