Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The power of three small words

Power in three little words...
“WOW...what time is it?” wondered Mom. Peering around the corner, “It’s almost 11:00 (that’s p.m.) “We’ve been talking for more than an hour, Mom...it seemed like minutes!” exclaimed still wide-awake, almost teen Jeremy.
We spoke of many things that night...how to encourage others...”Son, if you are blessed with an opportunity to encourage others...to inspire and speak courage into them...and pass up that honored opportunity, you are sinning against God.” “Yes, you must do what the Lord prompts you to do, son.”
“Yeah, mom, like when I encourage Brooks on my basketball team when he makes a shot or gets the rebound.” “Yes, when you encourage Brooks.”

We spoke of praying...”Raise your cares and concerns to God, but then intercede for others. Offer to pray for others and then follow through and do just that.” “Recognize answered prayers and praise Him for His mercy and give Him glory!” “Jeremy, I have a journal full of prayers...many of them answered and many of them still waiting to be.” “As long as we are on this side of heaven, God answers prayers through Godly miracles and sometimes through Godly silence.” “But each one passes through His merciful and compassionate hands.” “Seek His answers and you will find.”
“Like when I pray for Daddy’s back and for my Fusion friends.” “And, when I pray for what my future will be like and I’m still waiting...” “Yes, Jeremy, like that.”
We spoke of modeling and setting example for others to follow...for his brothers to watch. He seemed to sit more upright when we spoke of his very important position as ‘first born”...as if he knew it God-ordained.
When mom and son realized the lateness of the hour, both realized the joy of each other’s company. The time was a breath in the presence of delight. I had delighted in his company and the next words out of my mouth, whispered “I like you”.
“You like me?” he questioned. “Who are you trying to be mom?” “No, Son, I really, really like you. Oh yes, you know I love you, and I say it often, in fact. But I want you to know Jeremy...I really like you. I enjoy the presence of your company. I delight in you!”
Did he say, “I like you” back? I love you, mom? You’re the best mom? Boy, I’m glad you’re my mom? I like being with you too, mom?
No...his eyes filled with tears, embraced me tight, and kissed my check and... in that, he said all those things.
The power of three words...I like you.

March 7, 2010

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