Thursday, May 6, 2010

Luke's joy in heaven

I didn't know how to tell them... to tell them that the very thing we have been so fervently praying for all week, every night and throughout the day was answered in Godly silence.  Today exactly one week from the time we have been praying, Luke Jensen, 9 years old, died of leukemia; his 3rd bout in this battle.  One week ago, we got the call to pray for this sweet boy, about the same age as our Sweet Sam and one whom we've never met but already loved. The petition included the fear that Luke would die in one week and that we would petition his life be extended.  With round the clock prayer, pleas, and frequent updates, we prayed... with hope, of course.  Each of the boys, Jeremy, Samuel, and Daniel (Gabriel is still too young to speak), took their turns in lifting up our dear friend.  Needless to say, Jeremy (almost 13 years old) has been racked with unrest and worry over this ailing child.  It has stretched his faith to believe God's mercy and well, His love.  So, when this evening came and we drew in the prayer circle, as we do each night, I wondered how to tell them, especially our first born.  Dad led prayer, as he most often does, and with grace and slower cadence in speech, he thanked God that Luke was now rejoicing in heaven.  It's one of those moments, you can't help but draw closer to Him because everything else won't give you anything you need, especially answers.  And the promise is that you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. (James 4:8)  We closed prayer with tears but tomorrow we'll rejoice in Luke's joy in heaven.

Support for the Jensen Family

Luke Jensen
November 28, 2000 - May 6, 2010

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