Friday, May 14, 2010

Baby Dedication - Gabriel Moses

Dedication...Commitment... Submitting of our wills in raising our child not our way but in God’s way by God’s Word.  May 9, 2010, Mother’s Day, we had the great honor of dedicating Gabriel Moses unto the Lord... in front of our church family as led by our dear Pastor Bill Towne.  A public ceremony that promises, with many as our witness, to guide and nurture our son to walk in His ways; obey His commands, laws, and decrees; and hold fast to Him all the days of his life.  What an even more meaningful ceremony to share it with the day all mothers across the country are remembered for what they are... mother.
I was mother before he came... for he is our fourth and quite possibly our last.  But it seemed like I truly waited all my life for this certain little one.  With anguish in wait and endurance in prayer and tears, I can’t even put into words the incredible joy that gushed from my entire being when I first laid eyes on him.  Every fiber in my body screamed elation when he made his first debut.  
So you see how easily I could  claim him as all mine, but it is this Dedication Ceremony that announces and promises the complete opposite... to dedicate HIM to the very one who gave and sustains his every breath and is truly His.  I love Gabriel Moses and it is because of that depth of love, I’m willing to give him back to the One greater than me and able to love him more deeply than me.  Into your hands, dear Father, Abba, we promise to raise our precious son because he truly is yours and back to you we pray he will remain all the days of his life, that he glorify you with his entire being. 
May 9, 2010, Mother’s Day... the day we dedicated Gabriel Moses unto the Lord.

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